Full red zebra cichlid
Full red zebra cichlid

full red zebra cichlid

The Mbuna varieties with irregular discoloration are only a few. Besides, the egg shaped spots are not more than 3, on the fins, at the anal. The color of the female Red Zebra ranges from beige (with a brown tint) to orange (with a red tint). In nature, the color of the matured males is pale blue, having dark colored vertical bands, besides which, they have 4 to 7 spots in the shape of eggs on the fins at the anal. The females and males are differently colored. If well cared for, their life span goes up to almost 10 years. In aquariums at homes, they grow bigger in size, with males attaining lengths of about 5 in. In the wild, they grow to a length of 4in. The Red Zebra possesses a specific muscular Mbuna shape, even though they have a stockier body, compared to the other zebras. Most of them are concentrated adjacent to the Minos reef however, few gather close to Meluluca and Mozambique You can see them in the five sites, such as Chilucha, Minos reef, Nkhunga, Metangula and Masinje. This fish is widespread in the rocky shorelines of Lake Malawi in Africa. In the year 1995, Konings gave an explanation of the Red Zebra, whose scientific name is Maylandia Estherae, it was earlier named Pseudotropheus Estherae.

full red zebra cichlid

Finally, now, the Red Zebra is placed in the Maylandia Estherae species and is termed as Esther Grant’s Zebra. After the new revisions in the genus Pseudotropheus, again an identity crisis took place, which replaced all the Zebra-type Cichlids to their own genera, as well as included both Metriaclima Esther and Maylandia Estherae in the list of this Cichlid. Later, in 1995, the Konings included this variety as a member of its own species named as Pseudotropheus Estherae. In the beginning, it was assumed to be from the group of Zebra Cichlid, a Pseudotropheus zebra variety, and was commonly termed as Orange Blue Mouth Breeder. This species of Cichlid have a long history that includes the ups of popularity and downs of identity. A desirable and beautiful species, suitable for the fish tank, the coloration of both the male and female is so unique and distinct from each other that they almost look to be from two different tribes. Females grip the eggs that are fertilized, keep the fry within their mouth up to 21 days until they release them. Just like other cichlids of the Malawi Lake, this fish too breeds through the mouth. It dwells in the rock called Mbuna, of the Malawi Lake. Maylandia Eestherae, called the red zebra or otherwise, Esther Grant’s zebra, belongs to the Pseudotrophine Cichlid.

Full red zebra cichlid